Analysis of the integration of disaster risk management into local territorial development policy




public policies, territorial development, local development, disaster risk management, governance


The worldwide emergence of the number of records of occurrences of disasters and the losses and damages generated highlight the need to integrate disaster risk management with other public policies, for the construction of resilient territories. The Sendai Framework and the National Civil Defense and Protection Policy provide for the integration of disaster risk management in the formulation and implementation of public development policies, with emphasis on land use policies and the local territorial level − strategic for being where the risk materializes and where public policies become actions, in addition to concentrating the attribution of competences as a federative entity. The study aims to analyze the integration of disaster risk management with public policies for territorial development of municipalities, starting from the Physical-Territorial Master Plans to verify how much the theme of disaster risk management is incorporated into its textual body. The research has a systemic approach; it is structured in the stages of survey, systematization, analysis, and synthesis. Research is basic; quali-quantitative; explanatory; uses bibliographic and documentary research techniques; descriptive in nature, univariate and multivariate descriptive statistics. The case study of the Itajaí River Basin shows that the body text of the Physical-Territorial Master Plans can be grouped into three major classes: 1) infrastructure, associated with the dynamics during and after the disaster; 2) political, strategic, and organizational structuring, with a more systemic approach; and 3) practical/applied vision. There is a greater concentration of plans in Class 2, and there is a greater frequency of specific terms in Class 1. The analysis of forms associated with disaster risk management in the textual body of the Physical-Territorial Master Plans of the municipalities in the Itajaí River Basin verifies the low integration of disaster risk management with municipal territorial public policies.

Author Biographies

Giane Roberta Jansen, Regional University of Blumenau (FURB)

Doctoral student and Master by the Graduate Program in Environmental Engineering at the University of Blumenau Regional (FURB). Architect and Urbanist from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB). Full professor, researcher and extensionist of the Architecture and Urbanism Course at the Regional University of Blumenau.

Rafaela Vieira, Regional University of Blumenau (FURB)

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1996), master's and doctorate in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1999 and 2004, respectively). She is currently a full professor, researcher and extensionist in the undergraduate course in Architecture and Urbanism and in the Graduate Program in Environmental Engineering at the Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB). He has experience in the area of Urban and Regional Planning, with emphasis on the following themes: disaster risk management, urban and environmental planning in the hydrographic basin, environmental perception and education and spatial planning instruments.


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How to Cite

Jansen, G. R., & Vieira, R. (2022). Analysis of the integration of disaster risk management into local territorial development policy. Interações (Campo Grande), 23(2), 555–574.